EUR 33,92


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A set of four selected coffees from four continents. Are you starting to explore the world of freshly roasted coffees or are you just looking for a new experience? Then this set won't disappoint. More

This set is somewhat specific and although it offers some really unique coffees, these come from continents where there is not much diversity of coffee varieties and plantations. Therefore, it should be taken into account here that lovers of more sour or fruity coffees should carefully consider whether to try this set. The regions of Vietnam, Papua, Australia and Hawaii tend to offer more bitter and sweet coffees more suitable for moka pot, vacuum pot or espresso.

Be surprised or surprise your loved ones.

Of course, you can also have your coffees pre-ground according to the preparation method. However, we recommend buying unground coffee beans and grinding them just before preparation. You will be rewarded with a rich aroma and a distinctive, delicious taste.