Costa Rica Hacienda Sonora - freshly roasted coffee, min. 50g

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EUR 3,50
EUR 0,07/g


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1 g

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Length must be from 50 to 3000 g and multiple of 50.

Fall in love with the unique Costa Rican coffee full of taste of strawberries, biscuits and wild berry flavours.

More information about the coffee in the description below. More

Hacienda Sonora lies at the foot of the Poas volcano. The farm runs purely on renewable energy sources, which it converts using a hydrogenerator. This energy powers all processes on the farm and provides free electricity for everyone who lives and works on the farm. Overall, Hacienda Sonora contributes to raising the standard of living of the local community.

The farm covers 100 hectares, with 45 hectares dedicated to shaded coffee trees. Coffee trees are surrounded by exotic trees and other native vegetation. This biodiversity promotes soil health and maintains a nutrient-rich soil that helps grow dense, delicious cherry trees.  Another 35 hectares are a forest reserve, and the remaining 20 hectares are used to grow sugar cane, which has been cultivated on the grounds of Hacienda Sonora for more than 150 years.

Hacienda Sonora has its own small processing station, allowing Diego Guardina to keep the harvests separated by variety and create unique microlots. The station is located in the heart of the city, right next to a traditional sugarcane mill that has been preserved intact for over 150 years.

Taste sweet
Aroma fruity
Country of origin Costa Rica
Continent Střední Amerika
Altitude 1 200 - 1 300 m n. m.
Coffee preparation freshly roasted coffee
Roasting level medium
Region Grecia, Central Valley
Odrůda cattura
Processing method natural
Kind of coffee 100% arabika
Taste sweet
Aroma fruity
Country of origin Costa Rica
Continent Střední Amerika
Altitude 1 200 - 1 300 m n. m.
Coffee preparation freshly roasted coffee
Roasting level medium
Region Grecia, Central Valley
Odrůda cattura
Processing method natural
Kind of coffee 100% arabika