SupraMedEx - Optimal harmony support, food supplement, 900 g

EUR 95,05


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A dietary supplement with extracts of herbs and mushrooms in honey to promote harmony. More


contains 900 g - 100 servings
enough for 3 months of use
contains pieces of herbs/plants and mushrooms - they are a natural part of the package

maximum daily dose is the content of a teaspoon
Normal use

By spooning into the mouth before eating

14 days VITAL 
28 days EXTRA, EXTRA+
14 days VITAL 
further every day EXTRA, EXTRA+

Read the package leaflet for more detailed information on use. 

Important information:

Do not take VITAL if you suffer from stomach ulcers.
Do not use OPTIMAL if you have heart problems without consulting your doctor - Hawthorn may potentiate the effects of certain medications
Use within 4 months after opening

Name per 100 g daily dose
Honey 95 g 7-9 g
Hawthorn 2 g 180 mg
Hawthorn 1 g 90 mg
Shagbark hawkweed 1 g 90 mg
Oyster mushroom 0,5 g 45 mg